Looking back

I've been spending a lot of time sifting through my previous work for this latest rendition of my portfolio, and it's been quite amazing to see how far I've come in the past 6 years as a designer.

The very first digital product I worked on the UX design for was Fantasy Hero, an iOS game. At the time, I only had the faintest idea of mobile design standards. I still powered my way through the entire app design, created hundreds of illustrations to populate the game with items for players to purchase, and shipped my first mobile app.

A blast from the past

A blast from the past

Since then, I've been fortunate enough to have worked on such an extraordinary range of products. I've immersed myself in design challenges for personal transportation, academic planning, employee performance reviews, shopping, online courses, painting programs, and more.

I'm definitely staying in the design field, and I'm excited for my next adventure, wherever it takes me!


I am joining the Varsity Tutors design team!


Another year, another portfolio