Weekend Wireframing

A little over a month ago I wrote about the successful survey that was put out by the Nugaki team, the second weekend side-project I work on. After gathering a significant amount of responses from the online artist community (500+), we condensed all that information into 4 user personas and whittled down our core user experience to a few key interactions.

This weekend I spent a solid 3 hours working with my former classmate and friend Fanny Luor with visualizing all the feature discussions held by the team over the past month. Looking at many existing gallery-style sites for reference, we got a lot done!

This was the first time that we met up in person to work on this project and I was amazed at how quickly we were able to bounce around several ideas and come to a decision on paper. Sitting there at the same table really helps! Since the majority of the team is spread around the West coast, I have yet to meet many members face to face.

As a team we have agreed to a launch date of mid-October for our closed beta and I'm looking forward to sharing some polished mock-ups on this blog soon!


Home Sweet Home


Pilfering Paint Chips